

The following steps can be done by going to Design › Edit Theme › General › Visual › Colors  in your eCom back office.

Here, you can customize your theme’s colors, giving complete control over creating unique styles for your store. Here is a reference for what each of the colors correspond to on your site:
  • Headings text color: This setting affects the color of the items located at the top of every page, including your navigation items.
  • Pretext color: This is the color for the pretext headings for section titles. 
  • Body text color: This settings affects the color of the general text of your shop
  • Highlight color: This settings affects the color for your buttons and active state links. 
  • Button text color: Text color for all buttons. Be sure to choose something that has a stark contrast with the highlight color, which will be used for the button background. (ex: 'add to cart' button)
  • Border color: This is the color for all borders and separators
  • Background color: This affects the color of the main background of your shop
  • Top bar text color: This affects the text color of the Top Bar located at the very top of every page (ex: Cart information, link to My Account)
  • Top bar background: The background color for the Top Bar, which includes the phone number, currencies, languages and message.
  • Header color: The background color of the header located at the top of every page (where you can find the navigation)
  • Mobile menu background: Edit the background color for the mobile menu. 
  • Mobile menu border: Choose the border color for the mobile menus.
  • Mobile menu color: Choose the text color for the mobile menus. 
  • Footer newsletter color: The color of the title for the footer newsletter
  • Footer newsletter background: The color of the background 
  • Footer text colorThe text color for the bottom footer of every page (ex: newsletter text, menu links, etc.)
  • Footer background color: The background color of the footer located at the bottom of every page
  • Footer bottom color: Text color for the Footer Bottom
  • Footer bottom background: This is the background color for the bottom footer and copyright area
  • Social icons color: This will change the color of the social media icons displayed at the very bottom of the footer

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